Winter Soup Recipe Line Up


Mushroom Medley, Garnet Yam and Swiss Chard Soup

The winter months bring an abundance of mushrooms. The health benefits of mushrooms are no longer a secret. The supplement aisle in your natural food market is robust with medicinal mushrooms for the immune system, the brain and beyond. Culinary mushrooms are also vast in variety from the aromatic shiitake to the earthy cremini, and mushrooms, no doubt are one of my favorite foods, ever.


Hearty Miso Soup

Soup season has just begun. As we head into the winter months, hearty and nourishing and healthy soups become the mainstay in my home. A hearty miso soup can be an entire meal if done correctly, filled to the brim with copious amounts of noodles and veggies.


Thai Sweet Potato Soup

I love this soup I originally created for Midland Shop last April. With it’s Thai flavors and deep orange hue from the garnet yams and carrots, it is the perfect warming soup for the cooler weather we have just entered and time to give this heart soup another go.


Broccoli Leek Soup with Kale Puree and Shiitake Mushrooms

Let’s talk about a healthy, warming, vibrant power house soup after all this rain in California.. This soup is the one. It’s filled with alliums such as onion, leeks, shallots and garlic. It gets it vibrant green color not just from the broccoli but from the kale puree that is made while the soup cooks and then added to the blender with the broccoli and other veggies.


Saffron Cauliflower Soup

Cauliflower takes center stage in this soup. A nutritional power house, cauliflower is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients including Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and Vitamin K, amongst others. The saffron and Tahini give this creamy and velvety soup a smoky and rich flavor. It’s a great starter soup or side-by-side a big salad for a late supper.



Colorful Inspired Easter Brunch


Fall Recipe Line Up