Photo: Joe Pugliese
Hi, I’m Anna!
What does Amalgam Kitchen mean? Quite simply put it is “a blend or mixture” of the way I have learned to cook, the education I have pursued about food and nutrition, and all of the ways food and cooking have influenced my life, including what continues to come into my life. I was raised vegetarian by my Bohemian mom. She loved good food that was healthy, clean, and organic, long before it became the trend and now a way of life. I ate lots of tofu, brown rice, carob and lentil loaves.
In my twenties I worked in a catering kitchen for two different chefs, getting a crash course in food preparation. At this time, I was also teaching yoga and facilitating yogic healing cleanses and detoxes. I would cook for clients and support them during their cleansing process. I also created a small meal service program called food for the Soul, cooking for new moms and people with health issues like Celiacs disease.
I became obsessed with cooking healthy, organic foods and learning about nutrition. I spent a lot of time trying different ways of eating. I was my own guinea pig. Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian, Atkins, Ketogenic, Paleo, Gluten-Free, Nourishing Traditions,The Plant Paradox, Macrobiotic, The Body Ecology Diet, The Blood Type Diet, as well as Ayurvedic and Yogic cooking and just about everything else in between. I also delved into the environment and sustainability movement and lifestyle.
I had children and made their baby food. I wrote about Holistic parenting and living more sustainably, and I blogged about healthy food. Eventually, I wrote two books for Chronicle Books. One was a cookbook entitled Anna Getty’s Easy Green Organic, and the other was an eco-Christmas book called I am Dreaming of a Green Christmas.
Since then, I have been more focused on my family, being a mom but always loving healthy food and nutrition. I never left the kitchen. I have always cooked for them and with them. In the past couple of years, I have had some health issues, including brain fog and digestion issues as well as getting very close to being pre-diabetic, and one of my sons has eczema. I spend a lot of time learning about functional medicine and food as medicine. I have pretty much cut out all sugars, grains, legumes, and nightshades. I eat mostly plant-based but also listen to my body’s needs, so I do eat fish and pastured meat or poultry a couple of times a week. I am an O-type blood type, which means genetically, my body operates best on some animal products. I have tried being vegan many times in the right ways, and STILL, my body suffered. So, I try to listen to my body being guided by its changing needs, my growing education, and intuition. And I hope that you listen to yours. I am in my forties now and want to live a long healthy life and also enjoy food without compromising my health, the way I used to when I was in my teens, eating junk food. I love to be conscientious about what I put into my mouth without sacrificing flavor, so I cook healthy and delicious food for me, my family, and friends. I try to support local organic farmers, regenerative farming practices, sustainable fisheries, and farms that raise animals who practice animal husbandry whenever possible. I have learned that there is no one size fits all and that no one diet covers all my body’s needs. But when I follow my intuition and blend what I know, I create what makes sense for me and feels good to me.
I would love to support you in your kitchen with tasty and beautiful grain-free, low-sugar, mostly plant-based, wholesome recipes for the whole family to enjoy. So this is my Amalgam Kitchen. A blend and mixture of all the ways that make me feel well and make me happy. I am excited to share my recipes, tips, and musings on food and life with you.